Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21: 1-21-09

Landen started pee wee soccer at the Y last week. Tonight was his second practice. Dad gets to play with him and they do all sorts of games and things to teach soccer skills. This is his new soccer ball.

Day 20: 1-20-09

Maddie's 15 month well check. The dr. discussed her weight and height because she's not really getting anywhere fast in that department. He gave us a supplement for her to try and said that she might just be one of those people who can eat anything and not gain weight. Boy wouldn't that be nice. She certainly eats enough to gain, we just don't know where it's going. She is above average in all other aspects though, so he wasn't too concerned. She got 2 shots today, which didn't make her very happy. In fact, I think she knew what was coming because she growled at the nurses when they straightened out her arms to administer the shots! What a funny little girl!

Day 19: 1-19-08

Barak Obama. Tomorrow is inauguration day for Barak Obama. We have been watching alot of the coverage on the news and trying to answer Landen's many questions. It will be an important day in history.

Day 18: 1-18-09

My camera. Today Jake helped me set up the background stand and seamless paper I got to try to do some photography. He made a fake floor and got some things from Lowes for me. We had our nieces come over to try it out, but with it being in the basement, we really need some additional lighting.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17: 1-17-09

Maddie's new hat and scarf

I ordered this hat and scarf for Maddie, and it just came a few days ago. Just in time for the coldest days we've had since 2005 (according to the weather man!) I think she looks so cute!!!

Day 16: 1-16-09

Landen with his Great Grandparents

He was showing them the fun things he likes to do on the computer.

Day 14 & 15 no photo

no photo :(

Day 13:1-13-09

Playing with Dad

When Jake gets home from work, the kids know it's time to play rough. Landen tackles him almost right away and Maddie runs up and growls at him, ready to roll around on the floor. Today they had all the cushions off the couch and were jumping all over the place. Needless to say, they were wore out by bedtime.

Day 12: 1-12-09

no photo :(

Day 11: 1-11-09

Farm Show 2009

Landen and Dad went to the farm show today with Grandma and Grandpa D. Maddie and I stayed home because she was teething (molars) and was tired and grumpy. They had a fun day together and Maddie and I enjoyed our time together too.

Day 10: 1-10-09


This is Maddie, right before she tipped this toy to her mouth and drank the bath water. Right after she told me, "NO!" because she knew she wasn't supposed to do that! She is famous for "warning" us when she's going to do something she's not supposed to.

Day 9: 1-9-09

"Boxes can be more fun than the toys/diapers inside them!"

We got a shipment of diapers today and Landen could hardly wait for me to get them out of the box so he could have a spaceship. They played in this box for 3 days straight.

Day 6,7,8: no photos

no photos :(

Day 5: 1-5-09

Riley ... today was Riley's first day here. I am babysitting him while Les and Kelly are at work. He's a very good baby. Maddie is jealous and it's a little hard getting back into the swing of having a "baby" baby in the house. Landen is very helpful and he loves to talk to Riley.

Day 4: 1-4-09

no photo :(

Day 3: 1-3-09

Today we took Landen and Maddie to see Sesame Street Live, Elmo Grows Up. We were a little worried about how well Maddie would sit through the show, but she and Landen did great! They LOVED the show. Maddie got all excited and was reaching for the characters, and Landen was glued to the show and was upset at the end when he couldn't go on stage to meet them! Elmo was trying to figure out what he wanted to be when he grew up and about half way through the show, Landen leaned over and whispered, "I know what I want to be when I grow up, a singer, like on stage!"

Day 2: 1-2-09

Ok, so I cheated, just a little bit. This photo was acutally taken on Dec 31st, 2008, but today is the day that Brian leaves to go to Ft. Dicks to prepare for his deployment. At the end of this month, he will be headed to Iraq. We miss him already and pray for his safe return.

Day 1: 1-1-09

Maddie's first pig tails! I decided to try to get Maddie's hair up in pig tails today. We are trying to let the front of her hair grow out without cutting bangs. Her hair is always in her face though, so this was another attempt to keep it back. She likes to pull the bows/clips/hair ties out though, so they usually don't last too long!